Porto di Bisceglie

Vision, Innovation, Future: how to drive change. This is the title of the conference organized by Bisceglie Approdi and the Municipality of Bisceglie which will be held on Thursday 2 March at 7.30 pm at the Politeama Italia of Bisceglie, in via Montello 2.

Nicola Rutigliano, Sole Director of Bisceglie Approdi, will illustrate in a report the objectives achieved in the management of the three-year period 2020-2023, which led the tourist port-marina resort of Bisceglie to receive authoritative awards and certifications, such as the Blue Flag, and to become appreciated and recognized model of environmental sustainability, hospitality, efficiency, protection of the sea and marine fauna, fight against pollution and protection of culture. The conference will also be an opportunity to unveil a further prestigious milestone achieved for the first time by a tourist port in Italy, a conferment that will give further prestige to the port and the city of Bisceglie.

The Mayor of Bisceglie, Angelantonio Angarano will intervene; the Commander of the Port Authority of Bisceglie, Crescenzo Ciccolella; the representatives of the Circolo della Vela of Bisceglie and the WWF Marine Turtle Recovery Center of Molfetta.

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